
Handmade Jewelry and Resin Products

The store is closed for maintenance



Hey there and thank you for visiting my site! My name is Beth, I am the owner of Shedlace.  I started Shedlace making jewelry from snake sheds.  As you may know snakes shed their skin every so often as they grow.  Where do I get these sheds?  My man and I run a reptile breeding program (@neurotic_exotics) where we breed and raise boa constrictors and ball pythons.  As we started keeping more and more snakes I was throwing out more and more sheds.  I hated "wasting" such a beautiful material.  I soon found a way to put them to use. With the help of my man, Chris, and my best-reptile-friend Jennae (@angelscoldbloodedexotics) I created the first pendant from a bezel and cabochon.  I am now in the process of incorporating the sheds into all I can! When they shed, I keep the shed and recycle it into some of my products. 

Shedlace started as just necklaces and keychains but has now grown to many different items.  I have started creating items that are in no way reptile or snake related.  I understand not everyone loves reptiles the way I do and want to have something anyone could love! 

Thank you again for visiting my site! By dropping in you have supported a small business!  Every order I get I do a little happy dance! I could not do any of this without YOU.

We do not have a store front just yet but it will be in the works soon!

Please see the contact hours below and note that I may answer emails and Instagram messages out of these hours. I give myself specific hours so I can have guilty free family time if needed. Running a small business can take so much away from families. Thank you for understanding! 

Contact Hours

Monday - Friday

10AM - 8PM CST

Saturday - Sunday

I check messages intermittently.